Tuesday 28 February 2017

Another Fabric Destash Project

Several years ago I made a quilt for my mom.  It was the second quilt I had made for her. 

I cut some of the scraps into 2 1/2 inch squares and sewed them into a patchwork fabric piece that I then used to make a cat softie doll for a friend's little girl.  Too bad I don't have a photo.  It was really cute.

The other day my mom was looking for a throw pillow to go on the bed with the quilt.  I happened to mention that I still have some of the fabric.  A request to sew a pillow quickly followed.  Another project to add to the list.

April Cornell Poetry fabric.


  1. Hello Barbara. This is Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl. I wanted to contact you to let you know we would like you to join the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop, but the email address you indicated we should use to notify you did not work. Please check your GMail email. Thank you!

  2. Hi Barbara - just popped over from the 2017NQB group. Looking forward to getting to know you through this group.

    1. Hi Cut&Alter, Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to visiting your site soon.
